Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Translating Women - Part 2

More commonly used phrases spoken in Venusian translated into English. It's progressing from that first date to relationship.

She says: I don't have a lot of time on my phone... why don't you just text me?

She means: I'm really not that into you.

She says: Let's all hang out as a group

She means: I want to be friends.

She says: I'm sorry I didn't call/text/write, I've been so incredibly busy lately.

She means: I'm not that into you but if I'm bored...

She says: I had a really good time tonight.

She means: I'm up for another date.

She says: Want to come up for a coffee?

She means: Let's get it on!

She says: I don't want a gift for my birthday/Valentine's Day/our anniversary

She means: I want a gift.

She says: I was browsing online and look, isn't this sweater/purse/watch/etc. cute?

She means: I want this to be my gift.

She says: You shouldn't have!

She means: I'm surprised! Thank you! You did good!

She says: I'm not hungry.

She means: I'm going to eat off your plate so you might want to order an extra side dish.

She says: I'd like your honest opinion.

She means: Agree with me. If you don't, and you can foresee agreeing with her going awry in the future, make sure to SUGARCOAT the hell out of your honest opinion.

From Ginger on XYUL.CA

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Translating Women - Part 1

What she says: "I don't want to make a big deal out of my birthday/Valentine's Day/Christmas."
What she means: "It's a big deal."
Make sure you have at least a card and some kind of dinner date.

What she says: "I'm fine."
What she means: "Watch out."
Nice exterior, effed interior. Women are never "fine" they are good, great and/or well. Be prepared because if you ask, "What's wrong?" You're going to get the next definition.

What she says: "Nothing!"
What she means: "Something!!"
Get ready to go into battle if this one's not handled with care. "Something is obviously wrong but I won't push it. I'm here and listening when you're ready to talk," is a nice diffuser for the ‘nothing' bomb.

What she says: Loud sigh.
What she means: She is frustrated or angry and will take any opportunity to jump down your throat. To diffuse it, ask if there's anything wrong.

What she says: Soft sigh.
What she means: She is content. Yay! Don't question it. Just embrace the moment.

What she says: "Please do!"
What she means: An opportunity to explain yourself. Be careful. She is listening intently and looking for the cracks in your case. However, if you provide satisfactory rationalization, everything will be okay.

What she says: "I never want to see you again."
What she means: "I want you to beg for my forgiveness." Or it can mean, "I never want to see you again." It's a coin toss.

What she says: "Five minutes."
What she means: At least ten... it's likely closer to a half-hour.

What she says: "Thanks."
What she means: Thanks.

What she says: "Thanks a lot!"
What she means: Oh boy. You're in trouble.

*The word "fine" can also be used as a way of ending an argument while getting the last word.
From Ginger on XYUL.CA

Friday, May 2, 2008

SIGGRAPH New Technology: From Enhancing Facial Attractiveness to Virtual Maps

Gideon Dror's group from Tel Aviv is presenting their work on a computer model for enhancement at SIGGRAPH 2008.  The paper is:

Data-Driven Enhancement of Facial Attractiveness
In this work, a data-driven approach to enhancing the attractiveness of human faces in frontal photographs is explored while maintaining close similarity with the original image.
Authors: Tommer Leyvand, Daniel Cohen-Or (Tel-Aviv University, Gideon Dror (Academic College of Tel-Aviv),Dani Lischinski(The Hebrew University)

SIGGRAPH 2008 will bring an estimated 30,000 computer graphics and interactive technology professionals from six continents to Los Angeles, California, USA for the industry's most respected technical and creative programs focusing on research, science, art, animation, gaming, interactivity, education, and the web from Monday, 11 August through Friday, 15 August 2008 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.


SIGGRAPH New Technology: From Enhancing Facial Attractiveness to Virtual Maps

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friends help define views of beauty - Fourth Facial Attractiveness Article in 2 Months!

Richard Russell (Harvard) and Matthew Bronstad (Brandelis) recently published a study in Perception. They asked adults to rate the attractiveness of various faces, they found that that siblings, friends and spouses were more likely to agree with each other than with strangers."The agreement between pairs of affiliated friends, siblings and spouses was significantly greater than between pairs of strangers drawn from the same race and culture, providing evidence that facial-attractiveness preferences are socially organized," Richard Russell, of Harvard University in Massachusetts, said in the study.

They recruited 20 married couples, 20 pairs of siblings and 41 pairs of close friends and asked each person to rate 74 faces of undergraduates on a scale of one to seven, from very attractive to very unattractive. The responses were also compared with answers from another person they did not know. Close relations were more likely to agree with each other than with strangers and the strength of their agreement also tended to increase along with the number of years that they had been in daily contact.

Friends help define views of beauty

Ugly Men With Pretty Women

Just a note to myself to clarify and address some of the information and misinformation being reported regarding the findings from the team of Professor Jim McNulty at the University of Tennessee in the Journal of Family Psychology
Basically what is being repoted is that:
  • Men who see themselves as better looking than their wives were more likely to be disgruntled and have negative feelings about their marriage,

  • “Men who were more attractive than their partner demonstrated a tendency to offer less emotional and practical support to their wives.”

  • "Attractive men have available to them more short-term mating opportunities. This may make them less satisfied and less committed to the marital relationship."

  • “Men are rated as more likeable and friendly when they have a wife who is very attractive," said Strathclyde University psychologist Alastair Ross

  • "Ugly men try harder. They care more about you and treat you like a princess. Good-looking guys are self-obsessed. That’s not attractive."

  • It appears that handsome men carry a “health warning” that makes most women believe they will eventually prove unfaithful partners.

  • Should a beautiful woman date someone who is not so fortunate in the looks department - he will treasure and appreciate her more and much better.

To explain all this in a simple manner one only has to bring up the axiom: "Women marry MPI, Men marry facial and physical attractiveness"
In other words it does not matter too much how the male looks to the female as long as he has MPI (more detail later but basically males that exudes charm and power and combined with wealth and status) she will be happy. To the man what makes him happiest is how attractive his mate is.


Can mobile phones eradicate poverty?

After publishing my last blog entry I noticed that I am not alone in my views:
Shop Talk - Innovation, Marketing and Alliances: Can mobile phones eradicate poverty?


I just ran across this on an old unpublished website I had written a few years ago interestingly I still believe strongly in this idea. Hopefully one day it will come to be.

This is just a short note of my view of what the world should be like from a utopian communications viewpoint.

Essentially my belief is that:

1. All communications should be free.

2. When you are born you should be assigned a telephone number which will follow you for the rest of your life.

Imagine this world.

You are born Mark Johnson, your telephone number is 514-416-978-3906. You are given a microphone implant and cochlear implants with this phone number. You essentially have technological telepathy. If it any point you want to be not disturbed, no problem, disconnect and divert to voice messaging or accept only text messaging to your single e-mail account which is linked to this phone number. You can also block unwanted numbers accept calls from people you want to talk to even when you are busy, caller id, whatever, you have the freedom to choose. You can disallow GPS location, or allow it.

Imagine you go off to Malaysia for a business trip, you can talk to your wife all you want for free, even on the airplane if you so wish, she can call you if she needs you. You can talk to your kids when they are at school, anything. Just say the word, "call little johnny", and there he is, talking to you in your head.

It does not make sense that wireless licenses are being sold by governments for exorbitant sums to big business whom in order to make back the money has to fleece the consumer. Government exists to serve the people not big business, the people I believe want free communication, let us use the money for that, or at least not demand it in the first place.